讲座主题:The Multimodal Aspect of the Belt and Road Initiative: Legal Challenges and Prospective(“一带一路”倡议下的多式联运:法律挑战与展望)
主讲人:YOUA Narou(诺拉) 皇冠9393体育平台博士生(在读)
主持人:韩立新 皇冠9393体育平台教授 博士生导师
YOUA Narou (Estrella), from Togo, PhD candidate in Maritime Law, Law School, DMU. A C-blue ambassador represented at the 2023 Belt and Road Forum. Ms YOUA recently presented a paper at the 2023 World Transport Convention. She also won a first prize of 2023 Excellent International Student of Dalian Maritime University held by the ISEC.
International multimodal transport encompasses the management of several modes of transport. The International Multimodal transport’s actual relevance lies in its ability to provide efficient, integrated or coordinated operation between the different modes of transports involved, especially when it comes to operations going beyond established political boundaries. China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a vast transcontinental development project which carries in itself, a multimodal component and aims to promoting and improving global connectivity among nations across the continents of Asia, Africa, America and Europe. The project was designed to function in the scope of international transport. However, from a legal perspective, the initiative is stricken with challenges that need to be addressed. On another hand, the Belt and Road Initiative also carries the potential to revolutionize the field of international multimodal transport. this presentation addresses the legal challenges and prospective the multimodal aspect of the Belt and Road carries along.