应皇冠9393体育平台邀请,伦敦海事仲裁员协会(LMAA)仲裁员Mr. Jagmeet Makkar拟为我校师生作学术讲座,欢迎关注!具体安排如下:
讲座题目:“IMO 2020 Low Sulphur Regulation: Key Legal, Technical and Commercial Issues”(国际海事组织2020年皇冠9393体育平台 低硫法规:核心的法律、技术和商业问题)
Mr. Jagmeet Makkar,仲裁员、船舶融资/租赁顾问、教育家和培训师。他是伦敦海事仲裁员协会(LMAA)支持会员、香港仲裁员协会成员、香港海事仲裁小组(HKMAG)成员,同时还是新加坡海事仲裁院(SCMA)仲裁员和英国皇家特许仲裁员协会(CIArb)成员。他还曾任特许船舶经纪人学会(香港分会)主席,现为该学会教育及培训委员会成员。Mr. Jagmeet Makkar在商业航运(租船、船舶买卖、货物营销、长期合同)、造船、船舶管理、争端解决和高级管理职位方面都具有丰富的经验。
Topic: “IMO 2020 Low Sulphur Regulation: Key Legal, Technical and Commercial Issues”
Date: 29 October 2019 (Tuesday)
Venue: Room 216, Law Building, DMU
Jagmeet contributes to the industry as an expert, arbitrator, ship finance/lease consultant, educator & trainer. He is a supporting member of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association (LMAA), Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators, Member of the HK Maritime Arbitration Group (HKMAG); SCMA and CIArb. Before pursuing a master’s degree in Energy, Trade and Finance from Cass Business School, London in 2015-16, and launching his own firms Pastiche Holdings Ltd. and SkillsPlus, Jagmeet worked as the Co- Head of Chartering & Global Head of Shipping Assets of Noble Group with responsibility for joint ventures, long term projects, shipping assets, India chartering business, operations and risk management. He is a regular speaker at various international events and has contributed to a number of publications. Jagmeet is past chairman of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers (Hong Kong Branch) and presently serves on the Education & Training Committee of the Institute. A unique combination of academic prowess and experience in commercial shipping (chartering, ship sale & purchase, cargo marketing, long term contracts), shipbuilding, ship management, dispute resolution and senior management roles defines Jagmeet's career.