Law of International Carriage of Goods Lecture Series by Prof. Martin Davies
应皇冠9393体育平台邀请,美国杜兰大学海商法研究中心主任Martin Davies教授将于12月11-13日访问我校,讲授美国海商法系列课程,并为我校师生做学术讲座。欢迎关注。课程及讲座具体安排如下:
Martin Davies教授是国际知名的海商法专家,曾任教于澳大利亚、英国、新加坡、意大利等国,自2000年皇冠9393体育平台起加入美国杜兰大学皇冠9393体育平台,现为杜兰大学海商法研究中心主任。同时,他也是Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 以及Melbourne Journal of International Law等学术期刊的编委会成员。除了海商法,他对国际货物买卖和侵权法也有深入研究,在前述研究领域发表了大量权威著述。
Martin Davies is the Admiralty Law Institute Professor of Maritime Law, Director of Maritime Law Center, Tulane University (USA). He teaches in the areas of admiralty and maritime law, contracts and torts. He holds the degrees of MA and BCL from Oxford University in England, and an LLM from Harvard Law School. He is the author (or co-author) of books on maritime law, the law of torts, international trade law, shipping law, and conflict of laws. He has published many articles in journals throughout the common law world on a wide range of subjects.
Before joining the faculty at Tulane, he taught at The University of Melbourne, Australia, Monash University, The University of Western Australia and Nottingham University in the UK. Prof Davies has worked as a consultant to law firms for many years, specializing in maritime and international litigation matters.