10月12日和13日 15:00-18:00
1.WIPO’s Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) Program and Resources
2.Search Tools and Strategies
3.Using Patent Classification for Patent Search
4.Patent Search Exercise
5.Processes and Considerations in Patent Analytics
Andrew Czajkowski
Andrew Czajkowski graduated in nuclear engineering from Queen Mary College, University of London, in 1987. He subsequently joined the European Patent Office (EPO) where he held various posts: as a prior art search examiner in The Hague for 6 years; a substantive examiner in Munich for 5 years; the EPO’s Liaison Officer responsible for patent information cooperation activities at the Italian Patent and Trademark Office in Rome for 4 years; returning to Munich to work in technical cooperation with Central and Eastern European Countries; managing the European Union’s IPR Project for the Western Balkans; and coordinating the EPO’s Trilateral Cooperation activities.
Since October 2007 he works for the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the Global Infrastructure Sector. He is currently Director of the Technology and Innovation Support Division responsible for promoting and facilitating access to and the use of technology databases, in particular patent and scientific & technical journal databases, as well as building capacity through the establishment of Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) and their provision of information and knowledge resources, tools and platforms to support local innovation.
Irene Kitsara
Irene Kitsara joined the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 2009 and currently works in the Technology and Innovation Support Division as IP Information Officer. She is responsible for all activities related to patent analytics, including publications, methodological resources and training. She has been the Project Coordinator of the Patent Landscape Reports (PLR) since 2010 (with over 15 PLRs published to date), led the development of the Guidelines for Preparing Patent Landscape Reports, the Manual on Free and Open Source Tools for Patent Analytics and currently the Handbook on Patent Analytics. She is the project lead of the WIPO flagship publication Technology Trends, providing patent-based analysis on innovation trends and technology insights related to different technology areas of public interest, complemented by non-patent data and contextualized by related issues and expert inputs. The first issue on Artificial Intelligence introduced an original AI taxonomy, and had to date more than 143k PDF downloads. Ms. Kitsara was responsible for the update of the WIPO Patent Register Portal, developed the area of training on patent analytics for the WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) and provides related training, while she currently works on the second issue of the Technology Trends report on Assistive Technology.
Previously to her WIPO employment, Ms. Kitsara worked for the European and International Relations, the EQE Secretariat and the EPO Academy of the European Patent Office, preparing country reports on innovation and patent systems, moderating the EQE Online Forum and analyzing the user satisfaction. Admitted in the Athens Bar Association and with studies at the Athens Law School and the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Ms. Kitsara worked for German and Greek law firms, for the Directorate General Internal Market of the European Commission on public procurement infringement cases, the Max-Planck-Institute for International and Foreign Social Law as scientific assistant to the Director, and the Greek Ministry of Interior Affairs in the Citizen-State Relations. Ms. Kitsara is a Greek national and fluent in English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish. Her areas of interest include responsible innovation, Artificial Intelligence, innovation and knowledge management, and storytelling. She is a reviewer for World Patent Information, and since 2016 member of the Law Committee of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethical Considerations in the Design of Autonomous Systems.
Alex Riechel
Alex Riechel has recently been appointed Head of the TISC Development Section at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), having previously held the position of IP Information Officer in the Section. As Head of the TISC Development Section, his responsibilities include supporting the implementation of WIPO program activities to establish Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISCs) and related projects implemented in partnership with presently 80 countries worldwide. Prior to joining WIPO, he held positions at the World Trade Organization (WTO), German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), and United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). He is a graduate in management from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and in chemistry and history from Brown University and has studied political science at the Graduate Institute of International Studies (IUHEI).
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