Yen-Chiang Chang:Chinese legislation in the exploration of marine mineral resources and its adoption in the Arctic Ocean

Chinese legislation in the exploration of marine mineral resources and its adoption in the Arctic Ocean



This paper aims to discuss Chinese legislation in the exploration of marine mineral resources and its adoption in the Arctic Ocean. The journey commences by providing comments on the ‘Law of the People's Republic of China on the Exploration and Development of Resources in the Deep Seabed Area’ and to explore Chinese domestic legislation regulating Chinese enterprises' development activities in the Arctic area. Attention also pays to legislation regulating Chinese and foreign enterprises in the exploitation of mineral resources in China's continental shelfwith special concern toward the protection of ecological environment. This paper concludes by suggesting that there is a need to further improve Chinese domestic legislation and draw on advanced legislative experience from various States and international law, in order to provide strong domestic legal protection for exploitation activities.


Marine mineral resources

Chinese legislation

Arctic Ocean

White paper

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