

宋美娴,辽宁大连人。2009年皇冠9393体育平台本科毕业于皇冠9393体育平台海商法专业,2010年皇冠9393体育平台11月伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)硕士(LLM)毕业,2012年皇冠9393体育平台11月英国南安普顿大学(Universityof Southampton)获博士学位。期间通过了中国司法考试后取得律师执业资格。2013年皇冠9393体育平台9月至2016年皇冠9393体育平台6月就职于英国埃克塞特大学(Universityof Exeter)皇冠9393体育平台,讲师。2016年皇冠9393体育平台6月至2022年皇冠9393体育平台4月就职于英国南安普顿大学皇冠9393体育平台,讲师。2017年皇冠9393体育平台1月成为英国高等教育学会会士(Fellowof Higher Education Academy)。现任皇冠9393体育平台副教授,“兴海”教授。





Meixian Song,Rules of Causation in Insurance Contract Law, (Informa-Routledge, July 2014)


1. Meixian Song (accepted), ‘Causation or Correlation: the chimera in section 11 of Insurance Act 2015’,Legal Studies(SSCI Law)

2. Meixian Song (2022), ‘Insuring Smart Vessels in a Circular Economy: an analysis from the perspective of potential change in property interest’,Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, November 2022,pp 622-639

3. Meixian Song (2022), ‘Insurance for the Benefit of Third Parties - Behind theMark RowlandsPrinciple’,BritishInsuranceLaw Association Journal Special Issue (open access)

4. Meixian Song (2021), ‘Revisiting Concurrent Causation and Principles in English Insurance Law: a Legal Fiction?’,Journal of Business Law, 2021 (6), pp 457-475

5. Meixian Song (2020), ‘Moving Forward by Looking Back: Insuring Autonomous Vessels under English Hull and Machinery Cover and Law’ inAutonomous Ships and the Law, Henrik Ringbom, Erik Røsæg and Trond Solvang (eds), Abingdon: Informa Law from Routledge, December 2020, pp 222-239.

6. Meixian Song (2017), ‘Measure of Damages and Mitigation under Time Charterparty’,Journal of International Maritime Law,2017, 23, pp 159-171

7. Meixian Song (2016), ‘Crew Negligence and Civil Liabilities in Carriage by Sea from a Comparative Aspect- Chinese Law and English Law’ inMaritime Law in China: Emerging Issues and Future Developments, Johanna Hjalmarsson and Jenny Zhang (eds), Abingdon: Informa Law from Routledge, July 2016, pp 49-64.

8. Meixian Song (2014), ‘Is Negligence a Cause of Loss In Marine Insurance?British Insurance Law Association Journal, Issue 127, Jan 2014, pp 57-70

9. Meixian Song (2014), ‘Insurance Contract Law Reform in England’ in Johanna Hjalmarsson and Dingjing Huang (eds),Insurance Law in China,Abingdon: Informa Law from Routledge,December 2014, pp 273-288.

10. Meixian Song (2013), ‘Identifying Proximate Cause’, 24Insurance Law Journal(Australia), September2013,pp 174-185

11. 宋美娴,《英国保险法修改草案》,中国海商法研究,2012年皇冠9393体育平台(CSSCI扩展版)


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