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DMU Law School hosts the 8th Annual Ocean Law and Governance International Symposium on “Rule of Law and the Law of the Sea"
Published on:Jul 1, 2019

From June 27 to 29, 2019, the 8th International Symposium on Ocean Law and Governance was held in the Lakeside Bookstore of Dalian Maritime University. The Symposium is hosted by Dalian Maritime Law School and co-organized by the Centre for Ocean Law and Governance of Zhejiang University. Prof. Wang Xiaoyong, vice president of Dalian Maritime University, and Prof. Han Lixin, vice Dean of DMU Law School, delivered welcoming speeches at the welcoming ceremony. The welcoming ceremony was presided over by Prof. Zou Keyuan, internationally well-known expert in law of the sea, professor of the National Thousand People Program, executive deputy director of the Centre for Ocean Law and Governance of Zhejiang University and Harris Professor of International Law at the University of Central Lancashire. More than 40 ocean law scholars, judges and researchers from Asia, Europe, America and Oceania participated in the Symposium.

The theme of this Symposium is the rule of law and the law of the sea. The participants exchanged and discussed on six major topics, including “Codification and Development of the Law of the Sea”, ”Customary International Law and the Law of the Sea”, “Rule of Ocean Law for Sustainable Development Goals”, “Effective and Proper Use of International Maritime Dispute Settlement Mechanisms”, “Implementing UNCLOS in State Practice”, and “Revisiting and Revising the UNCLOS: Need of a Fourth UN Conference?”. Professor Han Lixin, Professor Zhang Yanqiang from DMU Law and Professor Zhang Renping from the Navigation College of DMU were invited to preside over the discussion of three topics. Professor Proshanto Mukherjee from DMU law was invited to speak on the Jurisdictional Considerations in Maritime Zones and High Seas. Dr. Liu Chenhong was invited to speak on the Regional Customary Law in the South China Sea; and Dr. Shi Xinxiang was invited to speak on the Military Activities under Article 298 of UNCLOS.

       This Symposium also featured a panel discussion on Transboundary fisheries management, moderated by Prof. Zou Keyuan, Harris professor of International Law at the University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, and Prof. Lee Seokwoo, professor of the Inha University School of Law, Korea. From the perspective of national practice in East Asia, Southeast Asia, the United States and Australia, the participants exchanged views on the practice of Transboundary fisheries management in their respective countries.Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

Speakers and Topics:

Professor Helmut Türk, President of the Assembly of the International Seabed Authority, and former Judge and Vice President,International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Vienna, Austria

Some Developments and Issues after the Adoption of UNCLOS;


Professor Proshantoo Mukherjee, Professor of Law, Dalian Maritime University

Jurisdictional Considerations in Maritime Zones and High Seas: Private International Law Implications;


Dr Hua Zhang (张华), Associate Professor, Law School, Nanjing University

The Development of International Law of the Sea by International Courts or Tribunals;


Professor Tony Carty, Professor of International Law, School of Law, Beijing Institute of Technology

The Arbitrariness of Customary Law;


Professor Vasco Becker-Weinberg, Professor, Law School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa ( Lisbon, Portugal)

The M/V “Norstar”Judgment and the Interpretation of the Freedom of the High Seas;

Dr Chenhong Liu(刘晨虹), Lecturer, Dalian Maritime University

The Regional Customary Law in the South China Sea;

Professor Guifang Xue (薛桂芳), Chair Professor, Koguan Law School, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Sustainable Development of Marine Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction:An International Legally Binding Instrument on the Way;

Professor Dustin Kuan-Hsiung Wang (王冠雄), Professor, Graduate Institute of Political Science, Taiwan Normal University

Fill the Gap between Law and Governance: An Observation on SDG 14;

Professor Karen N. Scott, Head of the School of Law, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

MPAs in the Southern Ocean:Implementing SDG 14 and Developing the Law of Sea and Marine Conservation;


Professor David Ong, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK

(Re-)Assessing the Role of Marine Protected Areas within the International Legal Order;

Professor Seokwoo Lee, Professor of International Law, Inha University, Incheon, South Korea

The Store that is Losing its Customers:The Dearth of Cases Referred to ITLOS and its Implications;


Professor Chie Kojima, Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law, Musashino University (Tokyo, Japan)

Modern Slavery and the Law of the Sea: Towards Effective Implementation of SDG 8.7 at Sea;


Dr. Xinxiang Shi(史新祥), Post doctoral research fellow, Dalian Maritime University Military Activities under Article 298 of UNCLOS:Some Comments on the Recent Decision in Ukraine v Russia


Dr. Tingting Wang (王婷婷), Lecturer, Ningbo University Law Schoo

Recovery of Compulsory Clean-up Costs for Marine Oil Pollution:Reflections on"Zhongheng 9 case”;

Professor Lorenzo Schiano di Pepe, School of Law, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy

Ships in the Law of the Sea:25 Years After the Entry into Force of UNCLOS;


Dr. Sukjoon Yoon, Senior Fellow and Program Coordinator, Korea Institute for Military Affairs, South Korea

Law Enforcement in the Naval Operation - A Practice from South Korea;


Dr. Diep Ngoc Vo, Research Fellow, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam, Hanoi, Vietnam, Vietnam’s State Practice in Implementing UNCLOS 1982;


Mr Christopher Whomersley, former Legal Advisor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, UK

How UNCLOS can be Amended - and Why it Has not so far Been Done ;

Professor Warwick Gullett, Professor of Law, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia

Not so Hot Pursuit?Consideration of the Case for Textual Amendment of the Law of the Sea Convention to Facilitate Modernisation of Maritime Enforcement Options;

Professor Anastasia Telesetsky, Professor, School of Law, University of Idaho, Moscow, USA

Keeping UNCLOS Relevant in a World of Warming Oceans and Growing Population;

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